
This website was made using Astro, an SSG I've been teaching myself. It seems a bit better documented than 11ty, the last thing I used, which I was really fond of but found difficult to learn as a non-programmer when it came to more complex management of content collections.

I made the CSS myself, after a long relationship with utility-based CSS classes. I don't feel like I did a great job, but hand-coding CSS is a remarkable exercise for creating taxonomies of information. The hardest part of programming for me is coming up with names for things. The challenge of programming is, at least at the level I'm familiar with it, largely a game of semantics. I still don't think the debate is settled when it comes to CSS philosophies, but for something of this scale, assigning classes based on semantic value works fine.

Forgive the mess for now. This is a forever project.

Last updated on December 5, 2024.